Nearly Qualified

Abpor - Rob

Musings of a reclusive video game nerd working in telco who typically ends up far too deep down the rabbit hole. I wanted to share a vehicle for developing my understanding of myself, over-committing to new things and how we fit into a weird cosmic jigsaw puzzle when all the pieces keep changing their sides. I marry my experience in video games with my background in psychology, automation and my career in corporate environments to produce thoughtful and relevant commentary.

7 August 2021

The Perfect Storm


In Magic and online gaming, generally the aim of the game is to gain small advantages and increment your board or game state so you are in a better position to win easier.

Here we compare the Magic deck archetype Storm, the sunk cost fallacy vs opportunity cost and movement in league of legends.

Part of this touches on thinking less to do more and thinking more to explore more inside.